Widespan Gravity Flow Wire Shelf Assembly

Product Details

  • Available 48W and 60W in widespan and multi-function width
  • Beams are low profile to maximize merchandising vertical space
  • Wire powder coated shelf with 1ā€³ wire spacing provides slick durable finish. Available for flat or gravity feed levels
  • Available 3ā€³ and 6ā€³ high fronts to provide a stop and 3H dividers to create lanes for merchandise
  • Rear beam is installed higher to create gravity feel level. See chart for offset and angle by depth

How to Order

  • Order Widespan Uprites separately 30, 36, or 48 deep in desired height (two required per individual section run and one additional for add-on sections)
  • Order two Widespan or Multifunction Low Profile Beams per desired gravity flow or flat level. A minimum of two beam levels is required per section. Required beam levels can include a combination of Gravity Flow levels and flat levels, A beam must be installed within 6ā€³ of the floor and maximum spacing between beams is 48ā€³.
  • Order one gravity feed grid shelf for each gravity flow level. (See chart offset and respective angle)
  • Order one flat grid shelf for each desired flat level
  • Order five Low Profile Gravity Supports or five Low Profile Flat Shelf Supports per level
  • Order desired number of 3ā€³H or 6ā€³H Widespan or Multifunction Gravity Flow Frontss
  • Order desired numer of 3ā€³H Widespan Dividers
System DepthOffset (Inches)Downslant Angle (deg.)
Widespan Gravity Flow Wire Shelf Assembly Downslanted
Widespan Gravity Flow Wire Shelf Assembly Flat


AĀ ā€“ Widespan / Multi-Function Low Profile Gravity Flow/Flat Beam
BĀ ā€“ Widespan Low Profile Shelf Support
CĀ ā€“ Widespan / Multi-Function Gravity/Flat Wire Shelf
DĀ ā€“ Widespan / Multi-Function Gravity Flow Fronts
EĀ ā€“ Widespan Dividers

Widespan Gravity Flow Wire Shelf Assembly Products