Lozier Bottom Rail

Lozier Bottom Rail


Lozier Bottom Rail


Bottom Rail

  • All Island and Wall Sections require on Top, Center and Bottom Rail
  • Electrical knockouts included on all Rails
  • Also used for 2′ and 30″ Slotwall Backs


– Width: 2′, 30″, 3′, 4′

– Finish: PLT Platinum, Optional Catalog Colors

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

HD (Heavy Duty), SD (Standard Duty)


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Lozier Finish

PLT-Platinum, WHT-White, W08-Cool White, SIL-Silver, GRY-Gray, CHR-Charcoal, A65-Oyster, N75-Nubian Brown, N81-Classic Copper, A37-Foundry, AA8- Statuary Bronze, T76-Tan, SAN-Sand, RBL-Royal Blue, G35-Hunter Green, G98-Green, R53-Primary Red, POP-Poppy, YEL-Yellow, Q88-Silver Vein, QJ6-Black Rust, QH3-Sparkle Silver, QK5-Black Wrinkle, QL6-Copper Vein, QG8-Clear Coat, L92-Cocobala Laminate

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